restcgi Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

REST CGI library.

The library contains classes specifically for REST processing, which are built on classes that provide basic CGI functionality. The basic CGI functionality is documented in the method class where there is example code for using CGI without REST. The rest class contains the documentation for the REST classes that are built on and hide some of the basic CGI classes.

See also:
method, rest


class  content
 Base class for content stream (HTTP message body). More...
class  icontent
 Input content stream from HTTP request message body. More...
class  ocontent
 Output content stream for HTTP response message body. More...
struct  cookie_attrs
 Cookie attributes. More...
class  cookie
 HTTP cookie as a name, value, and attributes. More...
class  cookies
 Collection of cookies. More...
class  ctmpl
 Template for creating content using variable replacement. More...
class  date_time
 Date and time class wrapping UTC time_t type for HTTP formats. More...
class  endpoint
 Represents the HTTP service endpoint. More...
class  env
 CGI environment variables. More...
class  exception
 Base class for throwing exceptions when processing HTTP methods. More...
class  no_content
 "No content" exception. More...
class  reset_content
 "Reset content" exception. More...
class  see_other
 "See other" exception. More...
class  not_modified
 "Not modified" exception. More...
class  bad_request
 "Bad request" exception. More...
class  unauthorized
 "Unauthorized" exception. More...
class  not_found
 "Not found" exception. More...
class  method_not_allowed
 "Method not allowed" exception. More...
class  conflict
 "Conflict" exception. More...
class  gone
 "Gone" exception. More...
class  precondition_failed
 "Precondition failed" exception. More...
class  request_entity_too_large
 "Request Entity Too Large" exception. More...
class  unsupported_media_type
 "Unsupported Media Type" exception. More...
class  internal_server_error
 "Internal server error" exception. More...
class  hdr
 HTTP header base class mapping field names to values. More...
class  general_hdr
 General HTTP header fields. More...
class  request_hdr
 Request and general HTTP header fields. More...
class  response_hdr
 Response, general, and some entity HTTP header fields. More...
class  content_hdr
 Entity content HTTP header fields. More...
class  http_token
 HTTP/1.1 specification "token". More...
class  http_text
 HTTP/1.1 specification "TEXT". More...
class  http_word
 HTTP/1.1 specification "word", either a "token" or quoted text. More...
class  method
 HTTP method class. More...
class  method_e
 Method type enumeration. More...
class  uri_info
 URI information for the located resource. More...
class  resource
 Base class for REST resource. More...
class  rest
 REST processing for application resources. More...
class  status_code_e
 HTTP status code enumeration. More...
class  tiny_parser
 Tiny parser. More...
class  version_tag
 Version tag class for identifying versions using a string. More...
class  version
 Information that identifies a version of a resource. More...
class  version_constraint
 Constraint on a resource's version which governs the operation of or response to a method. More...


namespace  httpsyn
 HTTP syntax declarations.


typedef std::map< status_code_e,
 Map of status codes to content templates.


template<typename T>
icontentoperator>> (icontent &ic, T &v)
 Stream in content.
template<typename T>
ocontentoperator<< (ocontent &oc, const T &v)
 Stream out content.
ocontentoperator<< (ocontent &oc, std::ostream &(*v)(std::ostream &))
 Stream out content function.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const cookie_attrs &v)
 Stream out in HTTP header (response) format.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const cookie &v)
 Stream out in HTTP header (response) format.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const cookies &v)
 Stream out in HTTP header (response) format.
bool RESTCGI_API parse (std::string::const_iterator &first, std::string::const_iterator last, date_time &v)
 Parse a date_time, returning whether found or not and advancing first and setting v if found.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const hdr &v)
 Stream out in HTTP header format.
void RESTCGI_API copy (const env &e, request_hdr &rh, content_hdr &ch)
 Copy the request and content headers from the environment.
content_hdr RESTCGI_API content_hdr_from_type (const std::string &type)
 Creates a content hdr that has a field entry for the content type given by the type arg.
bool RESTCGI_API parse (std::string::const_iterator &first, std::string::const_iterator last, http_token &v, bool noskipls=false)
 Parse HTTP token.
bool RESTCGI_API parse (std::string::const_iterator &first, std::string::const_iterator last, http_text &v, const char *terms=0, bool lastok=false)
 Parse HTTP text.
bool RESTCGI_API parse (std::string::const_iterator &first, std::string::const_iterator last, http_word &v)
 Parse HTTP word.
void RESTCGI_API copy (const request_hdr &rh, version_constraint &vc)
 Copy version constraint info from request hdr.
void RESTCGI_API copy (const version &v, response_hdr &rh)
 Copy version info to response hdr.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const status_code_e &v)
 Stream out in HTTP header format.
std::string RESTCGI_API encode_ctl (const std::string &v)
 URI encode all (ISO 8859) control chars.

Function Documentation

bool RESTCGI_API restcgi::parse ( std::string::const_iterator &  first,
std::string::const_iterator  last,
date_time &  v 

Parse a date_time, returning whether found or not and advancing first and setting v if found.

Skips leading isspace chars.

std::invalid_argument if a complete pattern is found but the date or time is invalid

void RESTCGI_API restcgi::copy ( const env &  e,
request_hdr &  rh,
content_hdr &  ch 

Copy the request and content headers from the environment.

Note that the "general" and "other" fields are put into the request hdr, only content-specific ones are put in the content hdr.

bool RESTCGI_API restcgi::parse ( std::string::const_iterator &  first,
std::string::const_iterator  last,
http_token &  v,
bool  noskipls = false 

Parse HTTP token.

Returns whether found or not and advances first and sets v if found. Skips leading SP or HT chars unless noskipls is true.

bool RESTCGI_API restcgi::parse ( std::string::const_iterator &  first,
std::string::const_iterator  last,
http_text &  v,
const char *  terms = 0,
bool  lastok = false 

Parse HTTP text.

Returns whether found or not and advances first and sets v if found. LWS is compressed. If terms is specified it stops on any of those chars, i.e. on return *first == <term> (note that true is returned and v is empty if term is the first char). If last encountered before a term char and lastok is true, this returns all chars in interval. If terms not specified, this returns all chars in interval or up to first invalid char.

bool RESTCGI_API restcgi::parse ( std::string::const_iterator &  first,
std::string::const_iterator  last,
http_word &  v 

Parse HTTP word.

Returns whether found or not and advances first and sets if found. Skips leading SP or HT chars.

void RESTCGI_API restcgi::copy ( const request_hdr &  rh,
version_constraint &  vc 

Copy version constraint info from request hdr.


std::string RESTCGI_API restcgi::encode_ctl ( const std::string &  v  ) 

URI encode all (ISO 8859) control chars.

This is useful as a way of making CTL chars printable, for error msgs, for example.

Generated on Fri May 15 11:27:12 2009 for restcgi by  doxygen 1.4.7